NationsNet was established to create a reliable list of ministries that faithfully execute their stated goals. NationsNet conducts ongoing reviews of each ministry to ensure that they continue to operate with the highest standards of integrity in every aspect. We exist to provide a means of connection for small ministries to be more widely known and to receive prayer and financial support to fulfill each ministry’s scope and impact for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



For the past twenty years, NationsNet founders, Jim and Peggy Dau, have been dedicated to serving the persecuted church scattered among 54 nations throughout the world. They have ministered in many of these countries, personally working with Christian leaders, both in their countries and in the States. They have been involved with leaders of each of these endorsed ministries and offer this opportunity for your prayerful consideration and support.


Trusted and Endorsed


Persecution Project

Foundation |


Persecution Project Foundation (PPF) provides active compassion for the persecuted in Southern Sudan and Darfur. The tremendous medical needs are on the forefront of their outreach in this war-torn country. Evangelism and discipleship are of major importance on the heart of PPF. This country has been ravaged by war and corrupt leaders and it is the ministry of PPF that works to ease the pain of so many people.


Christian Emergency

Alliance |


The Christian Emergency Alliance is a vibrant community dedicated to helping Christians, particularly in the West, make sense of the growing cultural hostility around them. They assist the persecuted, defend biblical truth, and defend the stand of the Church. They strive to support international projects that meet needs not met by anyone else. This ministry’s podcast is a global conversation that lifts your eyes to what God is doing around the world. It can be heard at www.christianemergency.com on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify. It is informative with accuracy and challenging with solutions.

Ananias House |


Brother John, executive director of Ananias House, has witnessed first-hand the devastation to lives of people in the Middle East. Ananias House seeks to preserve the Christian heritage of Biblical times, and, in the face of darkness and despair, proclaim the light and hope of Jesus Christ to sustain believers and guide unbelievers. Brother John, serves people in the Middle East and Africa through practical and tangible needs as well as helping local churches to teach the Word, train leaders, discipling and more.


Medical Ministry in

Chad, Africa |


Guinebor 2 Hospital was founded in Chad, Central Africa, by American missionaries, Dr. Bert Oubre a surgeon, and his wife Debbie, a nurse. Chad is one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world. The people of Chad are experiencing great food shortages as well as great medical needs. Guinebor 2 Hospital needs a Christian surgeon. Dr. Bert is also focusing on establishing a hospital for breast cancer patients. This ministry has an inspiring story beyond the many lives helped, Dr. Bert serves with the limitation of Parkinson’s disease.


The Restoration Act |


Ray and Denice operate under the umbrella of The Restoration Act, serving special needs children in Iraq. This husband and wife team are strong Christians, giving hope to families by loving on their children with special needs. They need other skilled help to assist them in this caring work. The passion that Ray and Denice carry, comes from their experience with Little Light House ministry in Tulsa, OK. Contact: Ray—918.815.2499 | rt@saregion.net | Denice—316.347.0328

Christian Freedom

International |


Wendy Wright of Christian Freedom International (CFI) aids, equips and advocates for Christians who are oppressed or persecuted for their faith in nine countries. CFI provides spiritual and physical help for suffering Christians to live in the dignity of God’s love and to rise above their circumstances. CFI serves to assist children through their Child Sponsorship Program. They also help families by selling a T-Shirt of the Month or a T-shirt at any time, which are all handmade in various countries.


Alpha Ministries |


Brother Bennie, with Alpha Ministries, ministers in very difficult places in India to make Jesus Christ known in some of the darkest places of this massive country. Brother Bennie was born in India where his parents faced intense hostility to share the light of Christ with the people in the northern part of India. Bennie’s book, My Father’s Business, is both serious with many humorous antidotes and insights from Bennie’s experience at Alpha Ministries. Discipleship is greatly needed in India, and Alpha Ministries ministers to that need.